Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I'm looking for a chime who's top of line

bells are back! and just when you thought the internet was devoid of cute tinkley noise. we didn't ding dong ditch you, promise. just to prove it, here's this week's show. it will only be here for two weeks so catch it while you can.

p.s. recognize the blog entry title? click it---> checck!

Class of 73 BellsPrefuse 73 (Ft. School of Seven Bells)--not specified--
Track 09West Africa--not specified--
The PyramidLove of DiagramsMosaic
Low LifeScannersViolence is Golden
Once and Never AgainThe Long BlondesSomeone to Drive You Home
kill me nowThe Dreadful YawnsTake Shape
?The Carrots--not specified--
Hallo BelatKuku SebsebeTinish Geze Sitegn
Je Suis InadapteeVarious ArtistsWizzz! Psychorama Francais 1966-70
Ce N'est Pas BonAmadou & MariamWelcome to Mali
April And The PhantomAnimal CollectiveSpirit They're Gone Spirit They've Vanished
--not specified--PSA--not specified--
No AuthorMerchCrash Boom Bash
Together Alone, We Jump We RiseMoon & MoonVII Acts of an IronKing
Untitled (piano)Gang Gang DanceGod's Money
Devil's TridentTelepathe--not specified--

GasmaskkTeengirl Fantasy--not specified--
Wolves and LibertinesHeartsrevolutionSwitchblade EP
MasalaMadlibBeat Konducta, Vol, 3-4: Beat Konducta in India
Um Like Yer Smile Is Totally Ruling me Right NowJapantherTut Tut, Now Shake Ya Butt
datingty segallty segall
Gender ChangersYip-YipTow Kings of the Same Kingdom
The Birthday CakeBody Lotion and Bloody HandsScreamfest
(the world according to) carp & sheepKiiiiiiKiiiiii
Lost Art (Gold Panda Remix)Stricken City--not specified--
[cuts out for a couple seconds here]

Say FiestaFrancois VirotYes or No
All In My SleepKing DarvesThe Sun Splits For...The Blind Swimmer
TricyclePsappHallam Foe Soundtrack
Loneliest PersonEden ExpressQue Amors Que
Buried in TeethMariee SiouxFaces in the Rocks
KokopeliFursaxaKobold Moon
They MarryMi & L'AuMi & L'Au
Basement WatchReligious KnivesThe Door
Young Folks (Peter Bjorn & John Cover)Shugo Tokumaru--not specified--
Last SongsDNtelLife is Full of Possibilities